Amazing Race - A Staff Member's Perspective
May 4, 2013
I enjoyed my first ever Adelaide’s Amazing Race with Beyond the Boardroom (BTB) on Monday, 18th March 2013…not as a participant, but as a behind the scenes staffer.
BTB organized a 3-hour Amazing Race for Isuzu, who had 45 of their employee’s conferencing in Adelaide for a few days. Starting out the front of their accommodation/conference location, the Crowne Plaza in Hindmarsh Square, the Race took them to East Terrace, through the Botanic gardens, along the Torrens, and then back into Victoria Square to catch the tram to the race end at Glenelg. With various pit stop challenges and questions to answer along the way, the Isuzu teams enjoyed the sites of Adelaide and hopefully learnt a bit about our fair city. This amazing team building in Adelaide brought a lot of happiness to all the team members. I will surely miss this.
The end of the day included reminiscing with photos of monuments they had taken during the journey for bonus points, followed by the presentation of trophy’s – for first place (congratulations to ‘The Flowers’) – and wooden spoons for last (Pink Panthers, who got very lost!).
What a great day! Hope the racers slept as well that night as I did!
Erin - Beyond the Boardroom
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