Bike Building Charity Team Building Sydney with SG Fleet
September 15, 2015

Last week the Beyond the Boardroom team travelled up the central coast of NSW to Bells @ Killcare. What an amazing property.
After setting up 15 bikes and a range of team challenges on the lawns in front of the restaurant we met the SG fleet group who joined forces in their respective teams ready for action!
The initial challenges got the blood pumping and left a few teams wondering why it is so hard to tie a simple knot! Albeit most of the teams worked it out and the problem solving side of the brain was working and ready for the main challenge - the building of the bikes.
The teams were then blindfolded and had to communicate non verbally to find their bike parts before they got to work how to build their bikes.
The bikes were handed in in varying degrees of completion - all that being said there was a lot of "safety checking" going on at the end of the session. But they were all checked thoroughly so no need to worry!
At the end of the session Tony from Variety Club met us at the location along with a young family and Variety Club happily accepted the donation of the bikes for those in need and the young boy who came along got to choose his favourite bike to take home! It was a memorable and exciting team building in Sydney.
It was a great afternoon, the SG Fleet team were great sports and it is fantastic to see great companies giving back to their people through fun activities as well as giving back to the community with generous donations.
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