Gary J Smith Amazing Race
July 21, 2016

Arriving to the Iconic Elder park precinct this group of employees were ready for their surprise afternoon team building Australia event. Once the mystery was revealed with the Amazing Race signage, team bags and bandannas the team formed and the competitive spirit arose. After a short brief and some need to know’s about the race the teams would begin their race on the River Torrens with a leg burning paddle boat race.
As the siren blew and the race was on the teams motored off the banks to undertake the course. Some teams certainly a little quicker than others. Leading the way were the Wild things and the Incredibles and as the first clue was plucked out of the staff hands the race was on. The other 5 teams followed soon after all stumbling after their initial race workout. The racers then headed for some great funny photo memoirs of St Peters Cathedral and Jolly’s boathouse and then onto Pioneers Womens Memorial gardens for their next clue.
After navigating the crowds of the Alpine Village ice rink the teams located the BTB staff with the blindfold challenge that would truly give us insight into the trust factor in each team. It was no surprise for us once again to see the varying approaches to locating their next clue without being able to see. While most were able to achieve the goal quickly and smoothly some where a little mis directed certainly creating some tension although quite a few laughs.
The next leg of the race would see the teams on trivia hunt through North Terrace with challenges in the Art Gallery of SA, Museum and through the Rundle mall shopping zone to reach their half way point of the race at Adelaide’s famous Pancake Kitchen just off Hindley Street. Arriving first were once again the Incredibles and the Wild Things and it was certainly very clear the speed strategy was in place for these teams. Only time would tell if the other teams strategies would eclipse these two front runners.
After a Conflict challenge involving steaming hot pancakes and a group eating session the teams would engage their minds with a Paper and Scissors game for their next clue. This challenge certainly proved to bring the teams back together as it perplexed most of the teams for quite some time. The internet and google soon became the friend of the teams as they worked their way through this problem solving activity.
At this point in the race it was very interesting to see the teams attention to detail which would be pivotal in becoming todays winning team. The racers with now a full belly of pancakes would race through the city to Adelaide’s central markets for bum burning Metwurst sausage experience and then catch the tram down to city side destination of Glenelg where their race would finish today.
The gap grew bigger between the front runners the Wild things and the Incredibles and the rest of the Gary J Smith teams being split over three trams and other modes of transport. The races final stages would see the teams taking on various innovative approaches to the Water Bottle challenge at Wigley reserve and some strategies being a little questionable in the rules of the game. Once the teams gained their last clue it was race onto the finish with NBA challenge at the Beach House and sprint to The Grand front bar the finish line in todays race.
First to Arrive were the speedsters The Wild things and the Incredibles. The Shining Stars, 5 O'clock Somewhere and the Dirty Ducks not too far behind making up some serious ground in the closing stages of the race. The untouchables rolled in and then after a big break the A team made it coming in last just before nightfall. As always the true results would only play out once the BTB staff tallied and navigated the teams different strategies, answers and modes of transport utilised during the race.
The Adelaide to Glenelg race certainly highlights various areas of a team and today results certainly proved that it’s really important to pay attention to the details. The turning point for todays race was in a bonus challenge of SA trivia which only half the teams collected and a very clever and committed array of transport used. The Shining Stars would take out todays race with a very clever strategy and attention to detail overtaking the fast Wild Things and the Incredibles. The 5 O clock somewhere were NBA champions with the shoot out. The Untouchables, Dirty Ducks just couldn't make up the ground lost in the early parts of the race and well the A - team were more worried about chivalry with their lone bachelor than the race trophy, coming home with new Wooden spoon.
Overall todays race with Gary J Smith was a huge success and they certainly got some insight into how to work as a team, whilst having a great time covering some serious territory between Adelaide CDB and Glenelg.
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