How to Instantly Motivate Your Team
March 29, 2016

Team building can and should be a very important segment of your business. Knowing the importance of this will help you to motivate your team and get them to participate in Company activities. Looking and managing your employees as a team reaps many benefits, not only for the company but for each employee as well.
To get everyone on board as a team member it may take some motivation tactics and here are a few hints to help you achieve this.
Know your team
As management you need to know your team. You need to know what is going to appeal to them. If you are going to try and arrange amazing team activities then they have to be within their circle of interests. It won’t be possible to please everyone all of the time, but with some research you can offer team activities that will appeal to most. Or you can offer team activities that contain a little of something for everyone.
Identify the concerns
You need to be sensitive enough to be able to identify any weaknesses that may be occurring in the work setting within the employees. By doing this it will allow you to focus on a problem with the proper team activity choice. For example, if you find that perhaps your employees are forming small groups or clicks, you want a team activity that is going to be able to intermingle these groups. This way, employees get to know others within their work realm that they may not be making an effort to get to know within the company setting.
Spark the enthusiasm
If you are encouraging your team to participate in activities that you yourself are not overly enthusiastic about or don’t intend to participate in, then you are defeating your purpose. Enthusiasm can be catching and when individuals become enthusiastic then they become motivated.
The right time
Planning your corporate team activities at the right time is also going to be important. Avoiding times where a lot of the team is taking their vacation is something you want to consider. Holidays that are family orientated such as around the immediate Christmas season or Easter for example, may hinder team members from participating if the activity is outside of work hours.
Encourage planning participation
When planning your corporate team activities it is a good idea to include different team members to help choose the event. Making sure that you don’t choose the same people all of the time. This way it encourages everyone to take their turn participating and this will motivate everyone to be more involved both in participation and planning.
Choose pertinent team activities
While you want your team to really enjoy the team activities that have been planned for them, it is important that the benefits the activities provide are going to be useful for the same team members in the workplace setting. For example, activities that are focusing on creativity should be supportive in encouraging team members to use their creativity in their work performance duties.
Rely on the experts
It can be quite difficult to find the right venues that are going to be instrumental in meeting all of the team activity requirements that are going to serve both the team and your business well. It is much easier and far more productive to utilize Corporate Training Australia services to help you with both identifying your team corporate needs as well as the right activities. How-to-instantly-motivate-your team is well worth the effort that is going to be required. Be sure to check out our other blog posts for team building tips.
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