December 18, 2017

One of the most memorable and rewarding experiences for a company is being involved in a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program. CSR is an widely used term used to describe the actions of a company that give back to the community.
CSR activities really are a win win situation for everyone, they in-rich society, company culture and can also impact customers buying behavior.
According to Edelman’s 2010 Goodpurpose Study, 67% of consumers say they are more likely to buy products and services from a company if they know supports good causes, a behavior which is up more than 11% on the year before.
Beyond the Boardroom (BTB), runs a number of corporate team building activities and are finding that more and more companies are looking for CSR events tailored around their specific company outcomes.
Aside from the usual fun and adventurous activities BTB have, some of the other the charitable programs we offer are:
Cubby Crew - building a cubby house and giving it to a chosen children charity.
The Big Issue - helping actual homeless people where there will be a fundraising activity that will be done for them.
Bike Brigade - this is an event that includes various activities a team must accomplish, the last one being the most competitive - building the bike from scratch, these bikes are then donated to a chosen charity.
The activities in the Bike Brigade programme aim to build a positive workplace environment for teams and companies, employees starting to see their workplace in a more positive light, increasing their creativity and which naturally encourages more loyal employees. Beyond the Boardroom, Bike Brigade team has trained staff and they know how to accommodate everyone participating in this event. Compared to just purchasing a built one, doing the actual work, putting the bike together requires a lot more effort through problem solving skills.
If your company is looking for a charitable way to give back to your community, while cultivating a more productive workplace contact Beyond the Boardroom now .
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