8 Creative Ideas For Your End of Year Office Christmas Party

November 6, 2017

team building activities Sydney

Christmas is fast approaching and we have ideas for your upcoming office parties! Here are eight ideas that can help you plan your office Christmas Party:

1. Creating a Do-It-Yourself Christmas costumes using office supplies - Besides being a bit of laugh, it's great opportunity for employees to get creative using limited resources. This activity will help shake up the normal work environment and employees showcase their artistic talents (or lack there of).

2. Celebrate Christmas party with different kinds of culture - Not everyone in your office has the same culture or same way on how you celebrate Christmas season. In this type of Christmas party idea not only will learn you learn on how other people in another culture celebrate Christmas, your colleagues will find out how traditional or modern a person is when celebrating Christmas. This kind of concept develops the mindset of the people around you about culture; on how are you going to put yourself up when you are in different kinds of people and culture.

3. Reaching out to a Charity institution - Helping and reaching out to the people of who are less fortunate is what Christmas spirit brings. You can consider this as one of your team building activities Sydney. The essence of this is giving and sharing. Yes, it requires money and exertion of effort to fulfil this type of Christmas party. It is how you will be able to give and to share your blessings to the people who are really in need. Making this kind of outreach with your colleagues certainly, make people understand what the true sense is. There are activities like bike brigades where you can build bikes from scratch and all the bikes built will be donated to charity. This is an activity that will instill corporate social responsibility of each and everyone in the team.

4. Dressing up as Santa Claus - Who doesn't bring joy to their faces when you were a kid and talk a lot about Santa Claus? Well, this kind of idea will bring back how you wanted to see Santa Claus during Christmas season. Even when you are an adult now and you know that Santa will not come to your home during Christmas Eve; there is a big difference between a kid that is hoping for Santa Claus to come out from your fireplace and an adult who is working hard to make some things great for their family for Christmas. But there is always a way to bring up your childhood dream.

5. Family fun day. Having a Christmas Party that includes partners and kids. Celebrating Christmas with your family is such a wonderful feeling so why not celebrate it together with your colleagues? Everyone bringing their favourite Christmas food, a variety of games and drinks for kids and adults to make the most of the Christmas party celebration.

6. Make Christmas ornaments - Creativity will make an individual think on how they will be able to provide the best what they can do to create an ornament. What more if there is a prize related to the game! Putting a prize into a game makes it more exciting. Not all your work is where you get paid for; here's a little game for you to make fun and enjoy the contest and win instant prizes

7. Christmas caroling - Christmas carols are what you will hear on when Christmas season has finally come in. Creating a Christmas carol for a Christmas party per team will make everyone sing along with all the songs that they will be presenting. But definitely, they need to make sure that this will be presented well because there will always a prize to all the games.

8. Cooking Showdown - A cooking show is one of the fun and best activity to do for a party where everyone will enjoy after the food is served for judgement. You just need to make a mechanics and put on the Christmas theme to enjoy the Christmas party that you are celebrating.

Do you want more ideas? We can help you out, contact us now!

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