10 Charitable Team Building Ideas that Give Back at the Same Time
November 11, 2019

10 Charitable Team Building Ideas that Give Back at the Same Time
Do you want to see your employees let down their guard, put aside their differences, and collaborate for a worthy and selfless cause? Charitable team building ideas can help foster team spirit and morale among your employees. These activities can help refresh and uplift your employees and reinforce their sense of purpose as a valued team member.
The following charitable building ideas are tailored to a broad range of personalities to suit everyone.
Here’s a list of 10 cost-effective, fun charitable team building ideas that you can always turn to anytime you need to boost your team’s morale and productivity.
Bike Brigade
Give your team a blast while they compete to assemble bikes for charity. There are also several other challenges thrown to the team members in the bike brigade challenge. The teams compete in a range of activities that build trust and cohesion that result in the bike parts being gathered. The bikes are then assembled and then donated to children who need them through a reputable charity.
This is one of the most popular charitable team events.
Cooking for a Cause
Put your team member’s culinary skills to the test in this challenge. Please note that this isn’t about letting your team members whip out concoctions for fun and then send them to the unprivileged. The meals are made with love and then fed to disadvantaged Aussies through Ozharvest, a perishable food rescue organisation that collects fresh delicious leftovers for the extremely poor. So, your team members will be working with the organisation’s professional chefs to prepare sumptuous meals for charity.
The Big Issue
Beyond the Boardroom, in collaboration with “Big Issue” Charity, brings your team-members to confront homelessness issues head-on while seeing life from a different perspective. In a morning workshop, your team members will be introduced to some homeless street vendors with remarkable stories. Afterwards, during lunchtime, the team members will be split into different groups to work with different vendors to sell as many copies of the ‘Big Issue” magazine as possible in various streets. The funds raised will be donated to the charity and the vendor.
Helping Children’s Hospitals
Your team can touch the lives of children and their parents at children’s hospitals through a plethora of ways. Gather your team to assemble resources like tools, electronics, food, etc, and donate them to children hospitals.
The fact that the donated items will be used by ailing kids will make your team members even more passionate and engrossed in this charitable team-building idea.
Water Works
Remind your team about the importance of little things they take for granted by bringing them together to help provide safe drinking water for people in need of it across the world. First, the team members are given a highlight of the challenges that others around the world face in accessing safe drinking water, and the difference they can make in those lives.
Each group of team members is given 9 parts of a water filtration system which they must assemble. The assembled filtration systems are then packaged and sent to countries and communities with limited access to clean drinking water.
Assembling Disaster Relief Kits
Let your team members contribute to disaster relief efforts for desperate people across the globe. When your team members share the plight of those suffering from disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, organized conflicts, etc, they’ll become ever more grateful for the peace, stability, and advancements they enjoy in Australia.
The disaster relief packages include temporary shelters, clothing, medication, and food. There are several reputable charities in Australia that help distribute these donated disaster relief kits to places where they’re needed the most around the globe.
Building a Cubby House
Another heartfelt way for your team to give back to the society, this event entails building a cubby house from ground up to donate to a charity home. Ideally, groups of 10 get to work on a cubby house, provided with all the tools and the cubby parts.
Given the nature of the activity, the team must choose a project manager (ideally not a high-ranking official), who’ll take responsibility for coordinating the efforts of the team members. Once built the work will be inspected for safety and workmanship and the cubby donated to a family in need.
Build Solar Lights
Another exciting charitable team-building idea, this activity will allow your team members to provide a renewable source of energy for 3rd world countries. Tagged "Brighter Future", this event requires your team members to invest about an hour to build solar lights that can help children in poor countries read and study at night.
The team members will collaborate over this project using our Solar Buddy kit, which contains everything they need to build the solar-powered appliances.
Mini-Golf Charity Challenge
In this intriguing team-building challenge, team members get to build a mini-golf course using food items which are then donated to a local food collector or charity home. Our Putt Putt Charity challenge provides an exhilarating set of activities that helps your team members flex their creative and sporting muscles, and culminates in the donation of food items to the less privileged,
In the beginning, different groups of your team members compete in a series of challenges to gather props and food items to be used for building their unique golf holes. In the end, the food items are donated to charity.
Give as part of your team building event!
These memorable charitable team-building ideas will leave a lasting impression on your team members. The events will also teach your team members unforgettable lessons and allow them to see things from a fresh perspective. They’ll return to the office inspired, grateful, and fired up to work together and complete their duties to the best of their abilities.
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