How to Motivate your Team to Achieve Results?
March 31, 2020

Expertise, problem-solving skills, tools, and technologies can only do so much to facilitate productivity. It takes a whole lot more to get the best out of your team members. Without motivation, your employees will only be going through the motions. It can be quite dicey to avoid mediocrity in the work place without motivating and inspiring your team through tools like bike team building activities, attractive compensation packages, etc.
Team motivation is a never-ending process because you always want your team fired up to give their best every single day. You need your team showing up to work every day psyched up to see to the success of your company. In this dossier, we present surefire ways you can instill discipline, commitment, and a positive corporate culture in your team members through motivation.
Create and Communicate Tenacious Visions and Goals
One of the most critical motivational factors of workplace commitment is the vision and goals of the organization. If your goals and visions do not resonate or are poorly communicated to your team members, they’ll most likely not show impactful levels of commitment. This lack of clarity could even be more detrimental if the team members are expected to contribute inputs to the goal-setting and fulfillment processes.
To avoid this drawback, you firstly need to define what good vision and goals entail. Then secondly, you need to figure out how to measure the achievement of the vision and goals.
Harness Constructive Feedbacks and Good Interpersonal Relationships
According to recent surveys, majority of employees now want more constructive feedback on their work. Without constructive feedback, it’s more challenging for team-members to gauge the impact of their efforts and how they can close in more quickly on the company’s goals.
Constructive feedback, face-to-face interactions, and activities like bike team-building can help your employees set better priorities and work routines. Informal, laid-back conversations about work also allow your employees to voice their feelings and concerns, and this can significantly boost employee engagement. Your employees also need to feel like they’re important to the team and deserving of face-time with their team leaders and employers.
Encourage Work-Life Balance
Your employees may feel disenchanted if their work deprives them of time and resources to indulge in their hobbies and personal projects. But these days, thanks to advancements in technology, it’s increasingly becoming more possible to achieve optimum flexibility in work schedules to allow for a balance between work and personal life. You can allow your employees to perform certain tasks from the comfort of their home. Working from home is fast becoming a major work trend for workers across generations, from millennials to gen Xers and baby boomers.
It’s also important to watch out for burnouts and prevent your employees from taking too much on their plates.
Create an Enabling Working Environment
Goals and visions can all be fine and dandy, but if the working environment isn’t enabling, your employees may struggle with inertia and dissatisfaction. Your employees need to work in a setting that stimulates creative thinking, inspires pride, and facilitates satisfaction. To win the hearts of your employees, you need to provide them with a working environment that tallies with their personality, values, and preferences.
If you’re uncertain about what exactly makes for a conducive environment for your employees, you can ask them directly through a survey. Some basics of a conducive work environment include ample personal space, protection against pollution, natural lights, and essential tools and technologies.
Prioritising Proper Compensation Packages
According to a 2017 survey undertaken by the Federal Reserve, 40% of workers will struggle to handle an emergency that requires at least $400. In another similar survey, 26% of respondents admitted that a 5% increase in pay would be enough motivation to switch jobs or employers. It’ll serve you well to be aware that it’s easy for your employees to compare salaries and wages in your industry, and that they may leave you for your competitors if you’re offering a low-ball pay. If you want to attract and retain the most productive, highly motivated employees in your industry, you must be willing to offer attractive compensation packages.
Explore Effective Communication
Communication is the chain that keeps all the gears and wheels of a business moving in tandem. A one-way communication makes for a rigid, linear work environment that inhibits creativity and initiative. Communication becomes a more effective tool when it’s two-way, because it allows for greater employee satisfaction and engagement. By encouraging fluid communication between your team members and their superiors, you can help avoid delays, misplaced priorities, dissatisfactions, and subpar performances.
Effective communication also avails your company of some insightful, valuable inputs from employees to enrich your company’s value propositions. Effective communication also helps ensure that your team is flexible enough to adapt to any significant changes to your business environment.
Promote Teamwork
Your business will become more productive if your employees work together as team members rather than as individual employees. With effective collaboration, your team members will complement each other’s strengths and make up for each other’s weaknesses. If your team members work in isolation, they’ll likely not have a sense of belonging and engagement similar to what they’d have in a collaborative environment.
You can promote collaboration in the work place through activities like bike team-building, productive team meetings, and delegation.
Provide Opportunities for Self-Development
Your team members will feel more motivated if they perceive they’re making progress in their personal and professional lives. But they’ll most likely feel disenchanted if there are no significant improvements in their personal and professional lives, even if your company is progressing at a rapid pace.
You can keep your team members inspired to give their best by providing them with opportunities to improve their skills and also add new ones. You can also mentor and guide your employees through one-on-one coaching to help them deal with their areas of weaknesses.
With motivation at cosmic high levels, your employees will strive to put the right skills and expertise to the benefit of your business. When they’re inspired, it becomes easier to get your team members to do their best and make the necessary sacrifices for the fulfilment of your organisation’s objectives.
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