Team Challenge with Amazing Race Perth
August 9, 2016

Today's super team building event was from the outset about how committed the environment and sustainability of Perth city council were, especially with the the pouring rain outside that they would be racing around in. This team would not be dampened by this though with a very clear competitive atmosphere arising in beginning of today's event.
As the siren sounded and the race was underway the team undertook a test of focus and trust with the memory test to get their first clue. The teams were quick to get into it and not before two long Red Eclectics (red) were off, followed closely by Bacon (yellow) and SMJA (white). However this proved to be easy for most teams Tour De Footpath (Green) found a very unusual random method that proved not to be the best approach.
So they were off into the rain and into their first leg would see them getting close personal with Perth's lmany bronze statues, tracking down some Perth trivia and some funny photos of Kangaroo impersonations as well as visit to the happiest barista in Perth at mini espresso for their next clue.
It wasn't until the team arrived to Perth concert hall that the race really started to heat up and rain began to clear. Teams were greeted with an thinking outside the box Water bottle challenge to get their next clue. Most teams worked their way through the challenge, but the best approach was by Bacon (yellow) who flew through the challenge in rapid time and seemed to make the water disappear. The racers then received a detour which would take the racers out east to pilot a paper plane sculpture, test their artistic prowess with a sketch at the Perth mint before heading back into that shopping district of Murray st mall for their next clue. At this stage SMJA would rocket out in front with the remaining teams having to up the tempo to catch them.
At this stage the leading team were given a speed bump challenge in the form of a creative song that reflected their team and values. WIth much laughter to be had Leap of Faith (blue) sang in the rain with gusto and certainly had a lead singer. It was only fitting that the remaining 4 teams arrived to Murray st mall to see this amazing performance.
After the concert the teams were put through the mind bending challenge of fitting a member through a piece of A4 paper from head to toe. At first teams were a little perplexed, but this became the game changer for this race as SMJA got away an opened up insurmountable lead that would be hard to get back for the other teams.
The last leg of today's Perth Amazing Race is all about commitment as the racers find a London cab and track down Chinatown's most weird food. Today's menu consisted of chicken feet, cow stomach, bamboo place mat, soup that expired in 2014 and last but not least a boiled egg. The team would be tested on the eating part at the finish line.
First to arrive at the Stables bar were SMJA (white) and had a strategy of speed all the way. It's proved to be the winning strategy today with being a massive 25 minutes ahead of the Tour De Footpath (green) who would arrive second. Only a matter of minutes separated the last three teams. All the teams today excelled in various areas of the race showing the diversity in this Perth City council team. Bacon (yellow) took out the best artist prize with full marks on their drawings. Tour De Footpath (green) along with the best team name racked up a massive 17 modes of transport including a fire truck. Red Eclectics took home the most unique mode with a Segway ride. And we'll Leap of faith (blue) enthusiasm and commitment to eating everyones weird food definitely showed a high level of commitment. Over all a fantastic afternoon where the weather did eventually shine upon us and there were many memories made.
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