Check out where our latest Waterworks kits ended up

April 10, 2020

Team Building Waterworks Challenge

These kits ended up in Africa and helped those in need have clean, safe drinking in water. Click here for more information.

As many of you may know, Beyond the Boardroom specialise in running team building events with purpose.  In our experience, team building activities that give to a cause drive much stronger engagement and connection than regular team building events.  Participants not only enjoy an experience that challenges them, but they also have fun and bond through the act of giving.

At the time of writing this we are amid the COVID19 pandemic.  The world is in lockdown and we are all facing challenges that we have never experienced before.  It is a challenging time of life.

At times such as these, it is important to focus on the little wins and also on what is most important to us.  It is also important to recognise that although we are in a challenging time, most of us are still far luckier than many millions of others that do not have the basics like clean drinking water, food, power and the like.

How it works

Team Building Waterworks Challenge is one of our favourite activities. In this program, participants work through a series of challenges whilst blindfolded.  They have to build a water filtration unit when they cannot see being led by their team mates.  The unit is later sent overseas to those that do not have clean drinking water.  We run the activity blindfolded as the lack of clean water is the leading cause of blindness in the world and it highlights how big an issue it is.

Please check out these photos below from our most recent team building activities in Sydney.

Team Building Waterworks Challenge - Uganda Village

Team Building Waterworks Challenge - Sydney Activities

Team Building Waterworks Challenge 2

The photos are from remote villages in Uganda.  The events took place in Sydney and the kits were posted over and made into household kits.  In the event in Australia. we make small personalised kits and the tap, filter and hoses are connected to buckets that are locally purchased to create larger family units as you see in the images.

It is pretty amazing to think that in a 2-hour team building event, we can help to change the lives of someone that is doing it far tougher than we are.  It is truly an event that delivers fun but also gives back at the same time.

You can also click on the links below to find out more on the water units and where they ended up.

We thank everyone for their support, and encourage you to look after yourself and your loved ones in this challenging time.  We also invite you to remember to try and remain positive and grateful as there is always someone that is doing it tougher somewhere in the world.

For more information on our Water Works activity, please click here.









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